Silat (Si Ge Pi) test results The students Silat - Group Potsdam and Silat group of PSV when tested, have made a good picture and passed. At this point, congratulations and thanks to my students for learning your tireless efforts over the past weeks. It's nice seeing that everyone has done something for themselves from the training and now even a step further is. Photo: Ivo, David, Max, Ninette and Lena.
to a real challenge was the development of children's group in Potsdam.
Silat - K i d s .
The training is very lively z. Currently once a week. Here are the young people to find the right erstwhile in a martial art fun for themselves.
very well motivated and rested in Germany was ready to back a new task. With the support of Dirk, the Silat pushed Forum properly. The access figures are steadily increasing and speak their own distinct language. Thus, the exchange of information is promoted, it created working groups and there is also some room for life style.
This trip was only the help of Pa Octav to this success - Thank you!
Thanks also to new friends in Indonesia have welcomed us so well. Thanks to Eddie
Pak, Pak Tata , Pak Anwar
and our trainers
Edwil Pak, Pak Yayan and Pak Edward .
Our goal was to see the diversity of Silat - what was possible in this short time we have seen. learn The culture and people - have been from day one has been very friendly and showed us everything. our mind and the emotions out of the country of origin to Germany to bring - that will show up in the coming years. Today, I do know is that I can already very much aware of my Grand Master (Pa octave) of Silat. So I will use my time well to continue learning Silat - it is a way of life never ends.
Not only the climatic conditions and the quality program we put to the test.
After our break test, we were fully there, and in a form of egalitarianism have been recognized.
was also a hammer.
Due to a breathing one is to be able to break a brick on the abdominal wall.
should be practiced only under expert guidance!
We have not only held by, but also a good idea leave. This was seen in any case because we have already passed over a short time to an advanced program.
The training of the style Si Ge Pi (Pa octave) is nationally and internationally is very well prepared. This was evident in the daily four-hour training with the trainers of the national team in Jakarta.
Jakarta Feb. 2006 With the help of Pa Octav has not only helped in the preparations (for our study tour to Indonesia ) but also asked a few friends take care of us, this trip was to a 100% success.
Since then we have the PSV (Police Sports Club) joined a lot has improved. Three times a week (2 ½ hours) training in a great hall. In addition to these training sessions we visit from time to time in the training Pa Octav and Mark at TU.
What you ask of others, you should always be ready to do it himself. Not only is the active participation in the training but also the National Weight Control ( a sensitive issue ) with it. By Silat and proper nutrition kg over 95 to just over 80 kg in one year.
Today, in addition to my own training and continuing my students very important to me. It is beautiful to look at how the individual continues to develop and get better. Asked that the resulting Homepage collect a platform for the preparation of the Silat and expertise (Si Ge Pi - Stiles) are. I look forward to the tasks that can be revealed. Silat has become for me a life. Olaf Schwiemann
run since the beginning of October, the preparations for studies and training trip to Indonesia. Dirk and Martin want to train with me in Jakarta in the training center (Padepokan) of the Indonesian national team. The trip will last the entire length Feb. 2006.
the coaching and administration of the national team at the EW 2005 in Paris. This included the travel arrangements for the
Si Ge Pi - participants.
Nationaltraining und Vorbereitung zur EM 2005 Das organisieren von Lehrgängen und Trainingseinheiten gehört zu den Aufgaben eines Trainers mit dazu, so nahmen meine Schüler an dem Training der Nationalmannschaft mit teil.
Vorführungen Neben den schon gesammelten Erfahrungen in der Aufgabe des Coach kommen wichtige Punkte im Rahmen der Öffentlichkeitsarbeit hinzu. Feier zur 60 jährigen Unabhängigkeit in der Indonesischen Botschaft.
Prüfung 2005 Bei dieser Prüfung waren viele gute Leistungen zusehen. Aber ganz besonders hat mir der Einsatz von Fabi und Flo gefallen.
Organisation und Betreuung des DM – Teams Natürlich bleibt der Wunsch selber zu Kämpfen immer aktiv. Es gibt da auch noch andere Bereiche die für den Kampfsport wichtig sind. Da wäre z. B. die Betreuung der Kämpfer (als Coach) oder als Kampfrichter. So setzte ich mir das Ziel meine Schüler optimal auf Wettkämpfe vorzubereiten und während der Kämpfe gut betreuen zu können.
Seit 2005 der Aufbau der Silat – Group in Berlin. Firstly, it is very motivating when you train with a team that began then. On the other hand is a task that becomes a part of life. It is a living, continuously evolving process.
In Indonesia, we then had the opportunity in the National Martial Arts School in Padepokan experience at a major representative of the Silat - to learn about styles. Pak Eddy us Stellet next to the Ambassador of Cambodia, the whole team around him. This stood patiently to questions and gave some suggestions award.
2004 World Cup in Singapore and in training camp Padepokan. The fighting in fact the whole event was a particular highlight. What is determined will not be forgotten and that has shaped my present attitude clearly. We have felt the breath of the origin of Pencak Silat.
Page 2004 regular training at Pak octave. After so many years Silat had always wanted the feeling to know at all about this martial art. But everything evolves around the Si Ge Pi around further and the diversity of the style of Pak octave is fabulous. This is evident today in the education and training in the field of battle weapons (such as Toja and Ruyung).
From 2001 to 2004 was the construction of the Silat Group in Kulmbach / Bayreuth. The enthusiasm of young and older people Silat (Si Ge Pi) in the recordings. Another section in the Silat - training that is as always been well prepared by Pak octave. When training this group, I have learned a lot for life.
Pointed At my physical ability was the point of this knowledge to give to others. This unbroken physical force changed slowly in calm and clarity. This change has probably never been fully completed.