Friday, February 12, 2010

What Do The Number On Motorcycle Tires Mean

Report: FLL Benelux Saturday

was held on this Saturday instead of the FLL Benelux Finals. For us it was very loose for. At 7 AM the alarm clock rang, as it was breakfast at 7:30 clock already. For breakfast, there was orange juice, coffee and raisin bread. In addition, all volunteers have received blue ribbon FLL to recognize them. The referees were black polo shirts with the inscription "Referee". All other jury members were given red T-shirts and blue, the volunteers.

During breakfast there was a talk on "Dutch" (Dutch), of course, we have understood nothing. But especially for us, the whole was again made in English. Then we had some free time and have already looked at the robots of the team and forward to the "referees" prepared. At 10:00

clock was then the opening ceremony with all the teams and participants.

Again, we understand only single words, but the air crackled with tension and we still had our fun. Then the clock from 10:30 uA Robot Games were on the program. There were 4 tables and 2 teams always start at the same time. The referees were always two people to a playing field and especially for us that was important, so we had a partner, the "Dutch" and speaks to communicate with the teams konnte.

Vor dem ersten Lauf waren wir schon etwas nervös, denn man wollte ja nicht gleich am Anfang etwas falsch machen. Doch alles verlief nach Plan und wir mussten nur ein paar Warnlichter entfernen und Roboter zurück in die Base holen.

Dies ging dann den ganzen Tag so weiter. Doch das schöne daran war, dass es für die Schiedsrichter extra „Runner“ gab, die einem etwas zu Trinken oder zu Essen gebracht haben. So wie man das von den Stars kennt ;-)!

Es hat richtig viel Spaß gemacht, denn man konnte auch ganz viele verschiedene Lösungsansätze betrachten und Bauideen sammeln. Das wichtigste war aber die Stimmung die einfach überragend was and put us in daydreams of Copenhagen. Unfortunately, it also

was very hard, because we were exposed to huge lights and the teams have two robots Starter loudly supported. Nevertheless, it just was great fun.

We even had the honor of the final, "whistle".

then have all been waiting for the ceremony and then we started with a polonaise, which was then getting longer and longer. All were well on it and had fun even though we did not understand everything, or just because!

At the presentation ceremony were awarded and the 14Pokale Winners are the SMOV's.

for the teams of the day was over now, but we still had to clean up after dinner. We got medals and a "FLL Benelux drink" (a kind of multi vitamin energy drink) with a little Lego brick as a pendant. We also exchanged our black against a blue Refereeshirts Volunteershirt because we could not keep them.

When cleaning up, we were allowed to take a Smart Move-banner from the team area and have quickly gathered a few signatures. After we have cleaned up then on, beckoning us towards a 4 * 3m large banner. We asked kindly if we were allowed to take this and we got a yes. Now we can decorate our room with all AG-banners.

The day and the event was simply top notch. We hope to again next year we can actively participate.

Now it is the first time in our hostel and tomorrow we will see us at the downtown Armheim. Coincidentally, tomorrow is selling open and we can still go shopping a bit.

This was and is the best weekend in the Netherlands have been for us (at least until next year;))!

Friday, February 5, 2010

Sarah Michaels Body Mist

FLL - Benelux Finals - Friday

As for this season, unfortunately we can not reach itself could do more, we support at least the others! Deswegen sind Vanessa, Gunther und Jonas dieses Wochenende nach Arnheim gefahren um dort als Schiedsrichter bzw. Juror für die Programmierung (Gunther) am Benelux-Final teilzunehmen.

An diese Sachen sind wir über Mark gekommen, der Teamkoordinator bei der FLL Benelux der auch Schiedsrichter bei der FLL ist.

Es ging praktisch direkt nach der Schule los und wir fuhren 2,5h von Paderborn aus nach Arnheim und waren gegen 19:15 da.

Zuersteinmal waren wir beeindrukt von der Location (und wir waren noch nicht einmal drin).
Der Wettbewerb findet im Papendal-Center statt, wo auch das niederländische Olympiakomitee seinen Sitz hat.
Es ist ein riesiges Gelände bei dem man ersteinmal 5 Minuten vom Input must go through the forest to arrive. In the main hall was built a gate, the Zurich exceeds safe and approach in some parts almost at Copenhagen is.

We then helped with the building and in the evening we relaxed a bit with the others before it is really stressful on Saturday then: The entire competition with more participants than in Paderborn is pulled in less time. Referees and jury so little time to rest in between.