Monday, August 30, 2010

Bow And Arrow Pc Game Bubbles

opening suits are now brought new strings - How to get a good position player

Good day!

As Klaas without me not even in this blog gets along, I made myself available to assist them in their work, you, the user public, the hopeful students and the less hopeful, with regular supplies tasks to help you the club one day to Redound to honor.

First, a text object. I give the character positions so that you will at the board / PC can recreate independently. This will strengthen your chess imagination, and it has nothing to do with the fact that I would feel no desire rumzuhantieren with chess programs. Certainly not ... If one should think that ...

Now to the question: 'This is so difficult that you will all to despair. But that's good. So I will show you where you stand and who is the coach here.

White: Kf1, DA6, Rd1, Th1, LG3, Sc3, Ba2, b2, d4, f3, g2, h2
Black: Kg8, Qd8, Ra8, Re8, Nf6, SH5, BG7, g5, f7, d5, b6, a7

Black to train.

who is considering tactical strikes and wants wegopfern prefer the half figure box is wrong wound. Because this is a positional problem, under the heading "Improving the worst figure."
A position is only balanced when each character participates in the attack. And here it is necessary to increase its black character activity, so that he could exploit the precarious position of White King and develop an attack.
He may not know the time, can be consolidated with KF2 and The1.

Two questions for you:

first What is the worst figure of black?

second Which maneuver bringt er sie ins Spiel und erhält eindeutigen Positionsvorteil?

Wohlgemerkt, geht es hier zwar um ein positionelles Manöver, was aber nicht heißt, dass keine taktischen Varianten drinstecken. Die sind, wenn man den Plan erst mal erkannt hat, aber recht einfach zu finden.

Viel Spaß, äh, ich meine, ernstes, diszipliniertes Schaffen, wenn ich bitten darf.

Anmerkung von Klaas:
Ich habe nun mal die Stellung als Bild online gestellt.
Vielleicht stellt ihr eure Lösungsvorschläge als Kommentare rein? Das fänd ich total spannend.


Friday, August 20, 2010

Any Way To Unremove A Facebook Post

From Attracting direct-II

Heute kommen nochmal ein few tasks and naturally lead them to distraction. Below is an explanation of what is both.

1) White on the train:
2) Black on the train:
3) Black on the train:
4) Black on the train:

Here are some hints:

first What happens if we move the knight to me the Be6.
second The field f3 is weak. Once the knight takes, it is chess. You would need to redirect the lady somehow.
3. Sf2 ist der richtige Zug. Aber warum?
4. Wir wollen gerne auf f3 schlagen. Aber leider deckt der Tf1 deckt das Feld noch...


Saturday, August 14, 2010

Patrick Ewing's For Sale

combinations. Topic: Attracting direct diversion and

Was ist Ablenkung? Was Hinlenkung? Dazu folgendes Beispiel aus der Partie Uhlmann - Mädler 1983:
Schwarz am Zug gewinnt!

Ich schreibe die Erklärung verdeckt, damit man diese Stellung schon als Aufgabe verwenden kann.
1....Te1 Daraufhin kann Weiß 
- 2.Sf1 spielen. Der Springer wurde abgelenkt . Now comes second matt .. Dxg2.
- 2.Kh2 Th1! The king sat on the box deflected h1 ! follows now matt 3.Kxh1 DH3 4.Kg1 Dxg2.

Now the following tasks:
1) White wins on the train.
2) Black wins on the train.
3) Black wins on the train.
4) White on the train wins.

This time, instead of solutions will only give me hints and tips. If the tasks still to be difficult and therefore wanted the model solution, please write me in a comment.

1) Through the king 1.Lb6 is directed to a bad field and the free Te2!
2) The white towers are inconvenient - especially since one is even tied up.
3) 1 .. c5 Matt would threaten and attack the tower. Unfortunately, then the lady comes by 2.Td8.
4) naturally lead them, and thereby double attack

Have fun solving

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Fleetwood Neon Tent Trailer

mirror image task I

This section deals with positions that we have looked something like that ever known or generally in a similar manner are. It makes sense to the appropriate position to have already looked at.

So here is the position:
Black to train

It is as related in the task: Find the best train!
will also need to answer is whether the changes for a page have been positive.

Is there demand for an actual solution?
Then, please write in a comment.


Skin Tags Urethral Opening



will show in this column I always positions in which we must find the best train. I will therefore select positions, which appear in several moves logically and the solution is not entirely clear. If it finds strong alternative solutions, but then she wrote in a comment.
los Also: This time it is a theory known position, which is also occurred several times in the tournament practice. For example, Cacho Reigadas - Shirov (2001).

first Nf3 d5 second d4 c6 third c4 Nf6 4th e3 BF5 5th Nc3 e6 6th Bd3 Bxd3 7th Qxd3 Nbd7 8th
OO Bb4 9th Bd2 a5 10th a3 Be7 11th e4 (chart)

White has actually chosen a variant with 6.Bd3, which should not just be critical. Still, he has managed with 11.e4 the center to take over. That should not really be possible or not good, or is this version perhaps critical? Find the best train for black!

solution: (will mark by visible)
11th .. Nc5! Nxe4 dxe4 12.dxc5 13.Dxd8 Txd8 14.Sxe4 15.Lxa5 Ra8 16.Lb4 Bxc5 17.Lxc5 Sxc5 with a better endgame for Black, since White has holes on the queenside, so that its majority can be mobilized worse. Black has been brought from the position after 11 .. Nc5 3.5 / 4 (according to my database).


Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Russian Bare Russian Textbook Title?

I train a few tactical exercises

I start with a few tactical tasks. I'm going to use three different stages, and the difficulty of the tasks with levels rising. Let's go!

Level 1: White checkmates!

Level 2: Black is matt!

Level 3:
1) Black wins.
2) Black wins.

The first four tasks are the book "Chess" by Laszlo Polgar removed. The book has an unbeatable price-performance ratio.
The two last I have taken from the book "The Chess Cafe Puzzle Book" by Karsten Müller. I like the scheme of the book very much.

we come to the solutions. I write them in the color of the background, so that you so can not just read. By highlighting the text then however, visible.

levels 1 and 2 are simple, precise calculations. At level 3 an idea is helpful.

1.1) 1.Txa6 XA6 2.Lg2 TC6 3.Lxc6 #
1.2) 1.Dg8 Txg8 2.Sxg6 xg6 3.Th4 #

2.1) 1st .. 2.Kxg5 g5 Rg8 and now:
- 3.Kh6 DH3 #
- 3.Kh4 DG4 #
2.2) first .. Txh2 2.Kxh2 DH3 3.Kg1 Dg2 #

3.1) The idea is that if we hit the jumper, the white base range of weak! After that we need to get only the other tower of the f-file. So
first ... Txe6 2.Txe6 3.Dg3 h4 g5 4.Txh4 Qf5 5.Te1 Sg4

3.2) Again, one must use the white base line. The tower is tied to the basic series, when the King is in the corner.
first .. DD4 2.Kh1 Df2!

I hope you have enjoyed the tasks.


Monday, August 9, 2010

Ap Bio Population Genetics Lab Answers

Welcome ...

on ... my chess blog.

As I prepare anyway often chess training or working out, I thought that I set up a blog these training opportunities to the children and young people, I am responsible to be a way perhaps some again read or what to watch what they missed have.
All others are of course welcome to participate in this blog and I would welcome active participation, even if I do not expect it.
If you have any comments or improvements to my explanations or solutions, then, then do not keep it to himself. Yes I would like to learn something.

If it is possible - that other me give their consent - I will post here from other trainers training. It will show how often this occurs.


nor C coach, but B-Trainer training is completed.