Saturday, September 12, 2009
How To Hit A Wedge Further
Es ist zwar Wochenende, aber selbst da machen wir Pelestorms nicht schlapp (zumindest einige), und so fuhren heute Jan, Julius und Jonas nach Horn to agent Mr Mowschek.
There we were warmly greeted and had to first of all and find myself working with a catalog of places in Germany.
followed a guide on the details of which we post here of course not!
However, it was said so much that we practically everything that has to do with a forwarding itself could learn.
then gave it to us then another Hinternisparcour, in which initially had a bucket to transport water over a huge stack of pallets, and Jonas won clearly.
The second part was to drive around with a fork lift pylons, and Julius was all behind him, and Jonas took the drive around literally.
was last much photographed and Grandpa Mowscheck we fulfilled a wish for him and photographed his truck.
It was a very interesting and successful day! Thanks Mowschek
Thursday, September 10, 2009
What Are The White Bumps Inside Your Nose
have from September 5 to September 6, we spent the weekend in a team Pelestorms Neuenheerse.
On Saturday at 10:00 clock we met on site and only once have made a small meeting. We are the tasks and rules of the Robot Game, and went through the research contract. Then it was time for work - how exactly is this place, of course not tell ;-)
At 13:00 clock it was for the hungry mouths at last lunch, which made Spaghetti Bolognese, salad, cake and ice was. After the table had a small service has eliminated again, went to work. It has tinkered at the Robot Game, and searched for the research presentation for information.
it was about 15:30 clock coffee and cake, so we got enough energy. According to another construction phase we were able to educate first good success, as a task already works the way we have imagined. Now, the other tasks on the series, which we did not fall quite so easily.
Suitable for grilling Chris came to us on the way to Copenhagen to be related in their native language to English trip. Together, with even more guests, we had a lot of fun.
After the barbecue was still tweaking something, but it was clear that the air was out for today and all looked a bit tired. Nevertheless, we sat together to 12:00 clock and did a lot of nonsense. At 1:00 clock was then concluded and an hour later, sleep half on.
clock rang at 8:00 in time for most of the clock, clock at 9:00 because breakfast was announced. After fiddling breakfast and one hour, we went into the Turnhalle.Dort were the top team a few games on the program, the weld us together should continue. Then we could then really thorough work-with a game of volleyball or football.
tinkered with fresh ideas, we continue to the robot, for which we have not yet found a name. In between we made a little photo shoot, with great team photos. After the final sprint came our personal coach Ramon. With him we had a team meeting and the new team members have learned that you can not Angst haben soll und die Situationen so nehmen muss, wie sie ist. Wenn wir jetzt nicht Mental und Robotertechnisch auf dem Wettbewerb eingestellt sind, dann weiß ich es auch nicht ;-)
Gegen 18:00Uhr war aufräumen angesagt und so ging das Teamwochenende leider viel zu schnell vorüber.
Fazit: Wir haben schon einen großen Schritt im Robotgame gemacht und fahren die 120 Punkte sehr sicher nach Hause, wobei das jedes Team machen wird, auch wenn man den Roboter nicht starten lässt ;-)
Ein Dank auch an unsere Betreuer, die das ganze erst möglich gemacht haben!
Allen anderen Teams wünschen wir eine gute Vorbereitung.