Es ist zwar Wochenende, aber selbst da machen wir Pelestorms nicht schlapp (zumindest einige), und so fuhren heute Jan, Julius und Jonas nach Horn to agent Mr Mowschek.
There we were warmly greeted and had to first of all and find myself working with a catalog of places in Germany.
followed a guide on the details of which we post here of course not!
However, it was said so much that we practically everything that has to do with a forwarding itself could learn.
then gave it to us then another Hinternisparcour, in which initially had a bucket to transport water over a huge stack of pallets, and Jonas won clearly.
The second part was to drive around with a fork lift pylons, and Julius was all behind him, and Jonas took the drive around literally.
was last much photographed and Grandpa Mowscheck we fulfilled a wish for him and photographed his truck.
It was a very interesting and successful day! Thanks Mowschek
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