Thursday, August 27, 2009

Signs Of Infection From Pedicures


Am vergangenen Mittwoch waren wir Pelestorms zu Gast im Teutolab-Robotik in Bielefeld. Dieser Ausflug war ein Geschenk der Schule für unser gutes Abschneieden in der letzte Fll-Saison.

Um 11:45Uhr starteten wir unseren Trip. Zuerst trafen wir uns in unserem AG-Raum und gingen zum Bahnhof. Der Zug kam pünktlich um 12:16Uhr an und uns stand eine einstündige Zugfahrt bevor. Auf dieser besprachen wir Details zum weiterem Vorgehen oder erholten uns einfach von vier Stunden Schule.

In Bielefeld angekommen stärkten wir unseren Magen, in dem wir einen kleinen Zwischenstopp bei Mcdonald’s machten. Anschließend ging es mit der U-Bahn weiter Richtung Bielefelder Universität.

Pünktlich um 14:00Uhr waren wir angekommen und der Workshop konnte beginnen. Zuerst setzten wir uns vor den Roboterhund Aibo. Aibo hatte eine integrierte Kamera und machte so ein Foto von uns. Diese Fotos wurden von unseren Workshop-Betreuern, bearbeitet und wir mussten den Fotos hinterher den richtigen Namen zuordnen. Kein Problem für uns – so gut wie wir uns kennen.

Danach teilten wir us into two groups. The first group played with Aibo, the other with Pleo. Pleo has 30 sensors and learns like a human. If you stroked him, has he got up and lifted his head. So we tried all possible moves out of Pleo. Then we have programmed it and marveled how sweet so Dino can be. Why had previously afraid of them? ;-)

After a short break, we spent with the pillage of a snack machine, swapped the two groups.

Aibo was now his turn. First, we have tried to control him so that he shoots a ball into a goal, yet so simple that was even not. But of course we did it. After that we played a bit with him and researched what he can do all. We have found that it can move only his tail or not dance, no, he can break even when the battery is empty.

The final task was that we should teach Aibo something. We had different colors and stuffed animals. Each stuffed animal has been assigned a color. Afterwards Aibo should know which color belongs to which animal and Aibo knew. could the last 10 minutes of the workshop program, we have what we wanted.

At 17:00 clock trip was in the non-Legorobterwelt unfortunately end.

With the subway we went back to the station and from there back into the home of Paderborn. With a 20-minute delay, the train into the station and an exciting day was over.

We would like to thank our principal, who has given us this trip. Do not forget, our workshop manager, who helped us to deal with Aibo and Pleo declared super.

Now it is but again: Back to the NXT, because in a week, the new tasks for the Smart Move - online competition.


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