Sunday, November 2, 2008

Frigidaire Dishwasher Unclog

Kurpfalzrundlug Review # 2

Anlässlich des Geburtstages meines Vaters bin I arrived yesterday in the renewed pleasure of a sightseeing flight. Flown

we are this time with a Cessna 172 older generation. The available space is much lower than in the Socata. Still a great plane!

As our pilot was the night rating, he beat us a start in the late afternoon before landing in the night. This combined with the poor weather made sure that my photos are not qualitatively that can keep up from last week. I would like to show you anyway ;-)

The Route was similar to last week. The special feature was definitely the sunset and the night approach to Mannheim in BASF over. I hope the photos the * magic * mood is at least a little over ... ;-)


Mannheimer Schloss


Mannheim Schönau

SCA Mannheim


Holiday Park



BASF by Night

BASF by Night

Airport Mannheim

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Microsoft Spider Solitaire Scoring

Kurpfalz flight

In my first (real) entry to the new blog I would like to show you a selection of photos of yesterday's round flight.

again a short note about the pictures: passes through a simple click on a picture of her on my flickr page, click it now on the "+" above the picture you get to a high-resolution version of the picture ;-)

aircraft was a TB-200 Tobago XL Socata by the French manufacturer.
The machine is a four-seater and surprisingly spacious.


Socata Tobago
origin of the flight was the City-Airport Mannheim.
The route led through Bad Dürkheim, Speyer, Hockenheim and Schwetzingen to Heidelberg and back to Mannheim.

The weather was excellent, except for the lower visibility, the negative side effect of high pressure weather.
The Technik Museum Speyer in from above but was an impressive sight:
Like the old town with the cathedral as a landmark
the Hockenheim Ring, we were not allowed to fly low, just as DTM took place and the air space was also reserved for helicopters.
There is no claim that there is around here not too beautiful corners ;-)
The Schwetzingen Castle Park:
Schwetzinger Schlossgarten
And the Heidelberg Castle:
Heidelberger Schloss
An overflight of residential development was allowed to own the conclusion not be missing.
Well, who knows where I live?
Mannheim Schönau
After an hour of flight time, we were again approaching Mannheim.
The flight was a great experience that I will certainly repeat. I can only recommend ;-)

Hairstyles To Put On My Head


Welcome to my new virtual home.
I moved because I believe this blog system more and I want to distinguish myself from my old blog theme. Here it will be in my entries now exclusively to photography and trip reports. Run a virtual diary I lack the motivation und die Zeit, wie ihr am Mangel neuer Einträge auf dem alten Blog erkennen konntet.

Mein letzter Reisebericht auf myblog behandelte meinen Stockholm Tagesausflug im Februar. Danach machte ich noch Kurztrips nach Innsbruck, Göteborg, Berlin, Nykoping, Dublin, Bergamo sowie Urlaub in Kanada, auf Gran Canaria, auf Samos und in der Schweiz. 
Berichte zu diesen Destinationen werde ich hier nachträglich nach und nach veröffentlichen. 

Die größte Änderung für euch als Leser wird die Bilddarstellung sein. Die Bilder werde ich nun in Zukunft with host flickr. For me this is much more comfortable and you can look in two clicks a much higher resolution image. On my old blog I had the pictures due to restrictions on other free hosting providers reduce significantly.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

How To Embed Jpg Into Autocad Files

The year 2007

2007 was the year of promotion. To Pencak Silat (style: Si Ge Pi) undergo known.

performance (Berliner Karate Championship)
highest praise from the Karate Federation of Si Ge Pi at PSV
About 700 spectators (audience)

Demonstration (Karate Tournament)
About 350 spectators (audience)

Demonstration (First Berlin Arts and sports)
Very busy and a lot of discussions with interested parties.

At a reception at the Indonesian Embassy. The Ambassador said a few words of appreciation. In addition, there was a very tasty buffet. :)

After hard and good preparation for all of my students have passed their test. The whole test was very nice. This is a go as a coach feel the right way.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

What Is Azwhat Is Benzonata

Anti-fungal treatment

Wichtig bei der Anti-Pilz-Diät ist, dass Sie möglichst ballaststoffreiche Lebensmittel zu sich nehmen. Sie sollten möglichst viel Gemüse (roh und gegart) und Salate essen. Vollkornprodukte sollten Sie möglichst einschränken.

Ebenso sollten Sie auf sämtliche Zuckerarten vermeiden: Haushalszucker, Trauben- und Fruchtzucker, Roh- und Rohrzucker, Honig, Sirup, Dicksäfte, zuckerhaltige Gerichte und Süßes jeder Art.

Genauso ungünstig sind Weißbrot, helle Nudeln und geschälter Reis.

Achten Sie darauf, dass ca. zwei Drittel Ihrer Lebensmittel aus Gemüse und Salat bestehen. Sie können mit Gemüse durchaus sehr abwechsungsreich essen, denn es gibt heutzutage immer genügend Auswahl. Das Gemüse können Sie roh oder gekocht essen.

Die im Gemüse und in den Vollwertprodukten enthaltenen Ballaststoffe bürsten die Pilzzellen mechanisch aus der Darmschleimhaut heraus und nehmen die Schadstoffe und Pilzbestandteile auf. Um effektiv arbeiten zu können, müssen die Ballaststoffe aber aufgequollen sein, d. h. Sie benötigen reichlich Flüssigkeit.

Aus diesem Grunde sollten Sie - speziell während der Anti-Pilz-Diät mindesten ca. zwei bis drei Liter reines Wasser trinken.

Ein gutes Anti-Pilz-Müsli

Zutaten für ca. 25 - 30 Portionen

75 g ungeschälte Mandelkerne
75 g cashews
50 g sunflower seeds
75 g pumpkin seeds
150 g roasted soy nuts
200 g Hafeerkleieflocken
200 g wheat flakes
150 g of bruised flaxseed
100 GE lactose
250 g polynuclear oatmeal
100 g rye flakes
150 g barley flakes
150 g wheat bran

source recipe: Guzek / Long: "Mushrooms in the body - sick for no reason," Southwest Verlag, Munich, 1994

The structure of the healthy intestinal flora can be supported by
  • probiotics: lactobacilli, such as Mutaflor, Omniflora
  • artichokes chicory, Onions, leeks, garlic and asparagus cleanse the intestines and stimulate the growth of lactobacillus to
  • prebiotics: fructooligosaccharides, such as Lactobact
  • Papaya: improves digestion of proteins
  • herbal teas: 7 x 7 or fennel herbal tea, Lapacho, sage, birch leaves, corn pen, green tea
  • ozonated Olivenölkapsen (have an antibacterial and antifungal action)
  • sulfur-containing foods (like garlic) bind relieve heavy metals and toxins, and thereby acquire the liver
  • for the protection and stimulation of liver metabolism in artichoke, milk thistle and Dandelion (as juice, tea or tablets) bind
  • psyllium toxins and stimulate the use of arms to
  • -energy minerals and vitamins to strengthen your immune system: Basica, Bullrich Vital, Spirulina, root force
  • Basic deacidification also help very well in the detoxification

Monday, July 28, 2008

Silver Bullet Straightener

Come to the acid-base balance

When body and soul are in harmony, we feel comfortable and full of energy. This goal with the following treatments is to achieve without more ado. They have been proven in actual use. stimulate

Purification and metabolism

The term metabolism, all conversion processes of substances meant in the body, including the degradation and decay. If the metabolic activity disrupted by chronic stress, some run slower reactions. This is related to that organs and cells need to always pay detoxification and excretory functions, by which their performance suffers.

to stimulate the metabolism and relieve means first of all: Dredge detoxify and purify so. The popular term "slag" Conversion and degradation products of metabolism are meant that the body is under excess strain of the organism, for example by eating toxins, fat, muscle and vascular tissue ** dumped.
Purification you can use a diet or a medical detox program.

Health for purification and cleansing with Schuessler salts

No 2 Calcium Phosphoricum D 6 - helps regenerate
No. 6 Potassium sulphate and sodium sulphate
No. 10 D 6 - contribute to both a detoxification and excretion of waste products and promote the breakdown of fats
No. 18 Calcium sulfuratum D 6 - promotes the excretion of waste products
sodium bicarbonate No. 23 D 6 - normalizes the metabolism
Ointment No 6 Salium sulphate - supportive

cure: take from two to four tablets each salt and solve them in a pint of hot water. Fill the cooled solution in a bottle. Throughout the day, take a sip and always keep him from swallowing a while in the mouth. Shake the bottle before each drink. In the evening get ready for a liver wound (see liver packs) of ointment with No. 6.

duration of treatments: three to six weeks

liver packs

This wrap promotes circulation of the liver and has a beneficial effect on the body and sleep. The best way to contact him at night before bed. Apply the ointment No 6 Potassium sulphate thin on the liver.

Soak a kitchen towel with hot water, fold it twice and put it under his right rib to just above the middle. Wrapping the pad with a dry cloth and place a hot water bottle over it. Leave the wrap in place as long as it is pleasantly warm.

Alkaline baths with my Base ® Salt

This Bath and Body Care Salt attracts acid and other pollutants from your skin and mucous membranes of your out of your body with, for example, basic and full-foot baths, wraps, basic socks and rinses. It provides eine effiziente Anregung der Ausscheidungsfunktionen und auch für eine angenehme Selbstfettung Ihrer Haut.

Optimal bei Fastenkuren, denn es verhindert die fast obligatorischen Kopfschmerzen, die von den gelösten Schlackestoffen erzeugt werden.

Baden Sie mindestens 45 min. bei ca. 37 Grad und bürsten Sie regelmäßig Ihren Körper ab. Hinterher nur trockentupfen.

Basische Wickel mit Meine Base® Salz

Zur gezielten Anwendung sind basische Wickel besonders gut geeignet. Dazu weicht man die Wickel (Handtuch, Binde, Strümpfe, T-shirt, Leggins usw.) in 1,5 ltr. warmes Wasser mit einem gehäuften Teelöffel Meine Base Salt and wring the winding good. Then take as long as possible.

Alkaline Body Scrub

With My Base ® salt the skin and mechanically freed of dead skin particles, and immediately neutralized alkaline.

7 x 7 Herbal Tea ®

is organically grown and consists of 49 herbs that flush your skin, mucous membranes, tissues, muscles, joints and organs optimal. Important additional drink a lot of still water.

Basica ®

bring your acid-alkaline balance back into balance and provides strength, energy and well-being

also important: drink plenty of still water

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Message For A Newly Wed


So we feel comfortable and get our health and our performance remains full of our body needs to work properly. For this he needs including a balanced acid-base balance. can only base the optimal ratio of acids our metabolic processes occur without interference.

Short-term fluctuations can balance our body itself by an endogenous buffer system. It becomes difficult to buy for years but when an acid surplus. Poor diet and lifestyle favor such excess acid and at some point your body is no longer in a position to help themselves. Our body then creates acid memory, he can withdraw himself no longer, because the capacity is limited. Consequences are health disorders and finally diseases.

Man four different stages of acidification

different first Ideal Condition: In this state, in which the blood in acid-base balance in the tissues and no lesions are identifiable, are actually only newborns a completely unloaded pregnancy behind them.

second Subtle acidity: For most people this long since the "normal state". The buffer bases in the blood, which have the task with increased acidity, the acid molecules are to reduce significantly reduced.

third Acute acidosis: Excretion worries (kidney, intestine, lung, skin) to work with all my strength to carry infections, diarrhea, Fieber, Erbrechen die Säuren auszuscheiden. Akute Infektionen sind ein deutliches Zeichen für eine Übersäuerung.

4. Chronische Übersäuerung: Wenn der Körper alle Reserven aufgebraucht hat und er nicht mehr mit der Säureflut fertig wird, erscheinen „wie aus heiterem Himmel“ Abbaukrankheiten wie z. B. Rheuma, Gicht, Schuppenflechte u. v. m. Dann genügt oft ein kleiner Anlaß, der die Krankheit ausbrechen lässt.

Bis auf ganz wenige, gesunde Menschen sind wir alle durch unsere Lebensumstände leider viel zu sauer.

Selbsttest mit Urin-Test-Stäbchen

Mit den Urine test strips (available in any pharmacy) you can get an overview of the acid-alkaline ratio in your body. These six measurements per day are required. Eat a normal for this test and note always what you ate and what else you have noticed yet. To get an overview, a measurement time of at least three days a week is better is required.

the complete self-test tables for recording, you can request free of charge here:

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

If I Married Should I Claim 0 Or 1

energetic three-day detox

If you are also convinced something that you do for your health and want to test out how well you do you go on a detox?

Then test the energetic three-day detox

  • do something for your health
  • you feel better after the three days
  • your body loses poisons that you're tired and ill make

The energetic three-day detox you can make a beginning, and do something for your health.

These three days go by fast and you can then immediately find that you feel more comfortable.

Wichtig: Diese Entschlackungskur verspricht keine Heilung. Es handelt sich hierbei um eine unterstützende diätetische Maßnahme und ersetzt auch nicht den Gang zum Arzt oder Heilpraktiker. Verordnete Medikamente dürfen Sie niemals ohne Rücksprache mit Ihren Arzt oder Heilpraktiker absetzen. Wenn Sie krank sind dürfen Sie diese Kur nur mit Rücksprache Ihres behandelnden Arztes durchführen.

Während dieser Drei-Tages-Kur reinigt sich Ihr Körper verstärkt von seinen toxischen Stoffen (Giften). Daher kann es zeitweise zu leichter Übelkeit oder Kopfschmerzen kommen oder sich andere leichte Störungen zeigen. Dies ist ein sicherer Hinweis darauf, dass etwas in Ihrem Körper in Bewegung gekommen ist.

Aus diesem Grunde ist es enorm wichtig, dass Sie Ihrem Körper helfen, indem sie täglich mindestens eine Stunde in Meine Base basisches Mineralbad baden. Hiermit werden die gelösten Schlackenstoffe durch die Haut aus dem Körper gezogen (Osmoseprinzip)

Da es sich um eine Entgiftungskur handelt, empfiehlt es sich von selbst, dass Sie Suchtgifte wie Kaffee, schwarzen Tee, Nikotin und Alkohol möglichst ganz vermeiden oder jedenfalls sehr stark einschränken.

Viel Bewegung an frischer Luft und ausreichende Bettruhe begünstigen den Entschlackungserfolg, der mehr Vitalität, strahlenderes Aussehen und eine schlankere Figur sichert.

Diese Drei-Tages-Kur sollten People over 35 years of use at least once a month. For more problems, the cure will be also carried out twice and even be extended by several days.

The complete energetic three-day detox you can get a free here:

How Can I Rip A Data Disc

back pain - a tiresome subject

Many people suffer from back pain and do not know what they can do about it. Painkillers are often the only opportunity they see again live pain-free person is. But painkillers are not the solution, because pain is always a warning sign of our body. Our body wants to make us aware that something is wrong.

pain is an important clue. Think about it when they call their hand on a hot plate set and feel no pain would be ...? They are doing exactly the right thing! Take away your hand and not let your hand on it and are taking it a painkiller! You immediately recognize the cause and act accordingly.

Now it is for back pain is not quite as easy as the hot stove. Logically, you should first be verified by the doctor whether there is something that requires medical treatment.

But often, the doctor finds nothing or you get the diagnosis: you can not do anything, that's wear that is age, so you must live!

But in my experience have to live in very rare cases really so! I have seen very often that a so-called wear and tear has within one hour massage with the bio-energetic health (see ) dissolved into thin air.

The reason is simply that the waste products have sold in the energy channels and block the path quasi energy. Thus, the energy does not flow freely and accumulates in certain places, which then manifested as pain . Make Since traditional medicine is not using energy, they can not logically see the cause in the energetic system.

How does this mean that block the energy channels?

Imagine your body as a furnace before. We live, eat and drink. Our body (kiln) processing our food (wood) (to heat the home) to energy (heat) to keep us alive. The cells of our bodies are constantly taking in nutrients from our food and excrete waste products. But how in the kiln has to be eliminated from time to time, the ash (the waste products). This slag is toxic (acid) and schadet unserm Körper. Sie setzt sich zunächst in unseren Energiebahnen und dann in den Geweben ab.Wenn nun zuviel Schlacke in den Energiebahnen (Meridianen) den Fluss der Energie beeinträchtigt, kommt es zum Energiestau und das macht sich in Schmerzen bemerkbar. Ein weiteres Merkmal von zuviel Schlacke ist Wassereinlagerung. Der Körper versucht sich nur zu helfen, indem er die Säuren verdünnt (= Wassereinlagerung).Folge von zu vielen Schlackenstoffen ist ein schrittweises Vergiften unseres Körpers. Daraus resultiert erst einmal eine allgemeine Schlappheit und es können sich viele Krankheiten entwickeln.

Lesen Sie dazu die näheren Hintergründe im Kapitel Säure-Basen-Gleichgewicht.

Another reason for back pain can also be the connection between body and soul. Back, shoulder and neck pain often have to do with stress, anxiety and repressed anger.

Again, can help the bioenergetic health massage. Through a very simple technique I resolve the tension with my hands and feel a great relief: the pain goes.

as For legal reasons, I suggest that my treatments are not a substitute for medical care. I promise no cure. I advise never the visit to the doctor, medical practitioner or physiotherapist, prescribe any medication and do not even rate of of taking medically prescribed drugs from.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Penis Vs. Toilet Paper Roll

detox, why it should not take longer than ten days?

Because it provides an insufficient food supply, which enables the body to eliminate toxic substances. Ten days is the maximum, but you can also once a month to a shorter detox undergo three days.

must be a longer detox under the supervision of specialized personnel, because it causes from the beginning discomfort that may disturb or upset them. They should during the cure always have a contact who is familiar with it.

lead In my practice I assist with the detox diet Special treatments, which both nerve and affect the lymphatic and circulatory center. They can foster a feeling of fatigue because your body digest after each treatment until the stock of what has made the move.

By treating your entire decontamination system will be easier for your circulation and your lymphatic system work with more energy and venous circulation and your muscles to improve posture.

When is the best time for an energetic detox?

Always the last 18 days before the end of a season

third - 21 3. Gray item (kidneys and bladder)
3. – 21. 6. Grünes Element (Leber und Galle)
3. – 21. 9. Rotes Element (Herz und Dünndarm)
3. – 21. 1. Weißes Element (Lunge u. Dickdarm)

Warum müssen Schlackenrückstände im Körper beseitigt werden?

Stellen Sie sich unseren Körper wie einen Brennofen vor. Wir leben, essen und trinken. Unser Körper (Brennofen) verarbeitet unsere Nahrung (Holz) zu Energie (Wärme) um uns am Leben zu erhalten (die Wohnung zu heizen). Die Zellen unseres Körpers nehmen ständig Nährstoffe aus unserer Nahrung auf und excrete waste products. But how in the kiln has to be eliminated from time to time, the ash (the waste products). This slag is toxic (acid) and is detrimental to our body. It consists first in our energy pathways, and from there into the tissues.

Now, if too much slag in the energy pathways (meridians) affect the flow of energy, it comes to energy storage and that makes itself felt in pain. Another feature of excess slag is water storage. The body tries to save himself only by neutralizing acid (water storage).

is the result of too many waste products, a gradual poisoning of our bodies. This results in first a general listlessness and can develop many diseases.

symptoms for slagging (self poisoning)

poor digestion
abnormal tiredness in the morning
poor concentration
swollen legs
poor circulation
often occurring colds
vision problems
digestion fatigue
menstrual bloating

hemorrhoids varicose

migraine Arthrosis

need for certain foods and beverages and much more

course, these symptoms can have other causes. A diagnosis can only ask a doctor or therapist.

I've been working intensively in this field since 1996 and already has a lot of people help you through the detox massage. Thus, so many alleged wear has dissolved within one hour special massage in pleasure.

I stress however that it is my treatment for any medical treatments. I do not recommend medication and advise either of them from even my advice on medical care. Treatments serve the preventive medicine, detoxification, boosting the body's own healing and relaxation. They do not replace a visit to your doctor or health professional. In diseases always seek medical advice.

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sweeteners - zero calories, or why do it properly thick

There are various sweeteners and all is said, that they are healthy because they have little or no calories and thus not responsible for our increased calorie intake would be. It is pretended that we could so easily enjoy.

One is correct, we take no sugar to us and save those calories. But the fact that in our body something else happens, we are prudently secret: these glorious calorie saver stimulate our appetite!

How does it work?

Our body works on a simple mechanism. If our tongue tastes something sweet, it immediately signals: DC is sugar! Our pancreas then pour in 1 ½ minutes of insulin, so our blood sugar level remains constant.

Come now, but something sweet in the form of sweetener, the insulin crashes on the remaining sugar content of our blood, which lowers the blood sugar level.

If our blood sugar level drops our body automatically reports: "Hunger! Buy something to eat! "

Our body remembers, then, that he was cheating and calls the saved calories a anyway.

Many people eat deliberately "light" products. Watch yourself to yourself. Remove why?

you quickly get cravings and eat naturally again the supposedly healthy low-calorie "foods" that make you just addicted to more ..... a cycle that you should think about!

Our sweetener consumption is constantly increasing, more and more products are "light" is offered. And just as the rising number of overweight people. has

In America we conducted a study with rats. A group of rats was given for more than ten days of food with the artificial sweetener saccharin, the other group of naturally sweetened food. Subsequently, all animals were allowed to eat what and how much they wanted. got

The rats that ate three times as much sweetener as the rats that were given sugar.

The researchers believe that the rats had forgotten by the sweetener, the necessary caloric requirements correctly and had to eat because of it.

In fact our body's natural ability is created to know exactly what and how much we need. If But now learned our body has that he can no longer rely on his sense of taste and that sweet-tasting calories is not automatically a serving, then he has possibly sweetened foods for calorie-free.

also increases our taste threshold for sweet and we want to take more and more sweet for us, so we get more and more a function of the "light" products.

sweeteners are very dangerous for children because, according to EU Sweeteners Directive should not have certain daily limit could be exceeded. Drinks such as a 15 kg child 0.7 liters of a cyclamate drink, it exceeds now have a fixed maximum value.

was also detected in animal experiments that some sweeteners increase blood pressure and high doses that occurred in bladder cancer. Apparently that was observed in humans but not yet.

Nevertheless, you should do is think about what possibly could occur in years of use but then.

Since sugar now but unfortunately only "empty" calories sweeteners are as full maple syrup, pear or apple juice, honey, agave syrup or raw cane sugar. They usually contain similar amounts of calories as white sugar and therefore should be used as fuel efficient. Also for the teeth are not healthy: brush here also your teeth after eating.

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Water: Important tasks in the body

One of the main tasks of the water is the binding of pollutants and the removal of these pollutants on the need to cleanse the body from the inside. No one would wash linen

in a dirty river. This is not because the water is saturated and does not bind any more, and carry away dirt.

is similar with the consumption of saturated liquids. These can hardly prevent pollutants and sediments, and our bodies like this . Exempt

What we need are unsaturated drink liquids such as clear, pure water.

Next, the water supply in our body as the main component of the blood and transports nutrients to every cell in the body defense.

· Water flushes the toxins in the body to the liver and kidneys
· Water is involved in the regulation of energy and electrolyte balance with
· water makes all parts of the body communicate with each other
· Water regulates the acid-base balance
· Water is a solvent in many water-soluble substances
· water affects the metabolism mit
· Wasser regelt die Temperatur
· Wasser wirkt als Puffersystem

Jeder Mensch scheidet täglich ca. 5 % Flüssigkeit aus. Dies geschieht nicht wie oft angenommen nur über den Verdauungsweg, sondern vielmehr über unsere größten Ausscheidungsorgane Haut und Lunge. Wir scheiden alle 20 Tage unsere gesamte Flüssigkeit einmal aus.

Um das Gleichgewicht im Körper einzuhalten, müssen wir täglich zwei bis drei Liter reiner Flüssigkeit trinken.

Wasser und Vitalität

Es besteht ein direkter Zusammenhang zwischen der Qualität des Wassergehaltes in einem Organismus und dessen Vitalität. Als Baby We are about 90% of liquid, much as adults and even the earth's surface to about 70%. In older people, is the liquid content to below 70%.

We humans consist of 13 billion cells. Ca. 60% of our water is in the cells, about 30% are in the connective tissue around the cell and about 10% in the blood vessels. In the cells, all information is stored that affect us humans.

Our brain consists of more than 80%, 70% of the muscles, our blood to 80% and even our bones to 25% water. In the basic biochemistry is said that the most important component in the body is water. The

Quality and therefore the durability and longevity of your cells and your organs will depend on how well they are provided.

The osmotic pressure

A saturated liquid is drawn from a less saturated liquid until the pressure compensating fluid. This osmotic pressure gradient ensures the feeding of our cells by liquid loaded with nutrients passes through the cell membrane into the cell.

Enrich is not cell-permeable substances in the intercellular fluid, it is by the high concentration of dissolved substances that, surrounding the cell fluid, more dense, and the osmotic pressure drops to the cell. As a result, less liquid and therefore less nutrients are transported into the cell. The

get more non-recyclable materials in the interstitial tissue, the less gets the cell. The cell struggles with more pressure (high pressure = high blood pressure problems) or is under as a result of contaminated tissue fluid in deficiency states. Only pure, not yet saturated water is able to release pollutants to be transported.

Thus, closing the loop in the body that we can only keep going with pure water.

minerals and drinking water

tap water is sufficient cover as a mineral source is not sufficient to the daily needs for minerals. A glass of milk, for example, contains more calcium and magnesium as 20 liters of drinking water.

But even if you water with a high mineral content, such as drinking from a healing source, leading to the body of mineral salts, it can not absorb as easily as the chelates of organic foods.

But the advertising we tried with a gigantic effort to make clear that a healthy water needs many minerals.

Nature has made us men originally surface water for drinking available. River water, rainwater and glacier water, so low in minerals or even mineral-free water.

The deeper the wells are drilled, the more minerals the water dissolves its way down and is increasingly enriched with minerals.

Did you know that the term mineral water only in the postwar years of the last century has been characterized?

Another question is often asked

type minerals in drinking water not only the taste at all? Tastes water without minerals do not fade? Many people believe that the mineral content produces the good taste of the water. Exactly the opposite is the case. Have a glass of mineral water to stand overnight and then try it again!

Too many minerals have a negative impact on the taste and give the water an unpleasant metallic and sometimes salty taste. Take the water to remove the ability thirst.

water receives its good taste and thirst-quenching properties by the amount of dissolved oxygen and by the absence of large amounts of mineral salts.

why we see a mountain spring, the fresh water from melting snow caused a low mineral content, and which was mixed by their brisk walk over rocks with oxygen as the epitome of freshness.

What are minerals? According

Nachschlagewerk sind Mineralien feste, chemische Verbindungen der Erdkruste die aus anorganischen, natürlichen Vorgängen entstanden sind.

Mineralstoffe und Spurenelemente sind lebenswichtig

Sie sind

· Bausteine für Knochen, Zähne, Nägel und Haare
· geben Knochen und Zähnen ihre strukturelle Stärke
· sind Bestandteil der Körperflüssigkeit z. B. Eisen im Blut
· regulieren den Wasserhaushalt und Säuregehalt im Körper
· steuern die Nerven und die Funktion der Zellmembranen
· kontrollieren den Startmechanismus für Enzymsysteme

Mineralien sind Regulatoren all life processes, from the oxygen on fluid and hormone balance, to the utilization of fat, carbohydrates and Einweiß.

minerals must be included in the organic compound

We need organically bound minerals. This can benefit the human organism. The plant is capable of the stored in the earth's inorganic minerals bound to take over the roots to attach to protein (= chelation) and thus are valuable for people to convert.

Thus, the plant produces the gate, enter through the inorganic minerals of non-living matter as organic minerals in the living nature.

are dissolved in mineral salts, namely inorganic-bound minerals. This stress on the organism in part because they are only deposited. Our body absorbs minerals in this form only if he is not able to cover its needs in organic form.

No one would dream of eating a certain amount of earth to thereby meet its mineral needs, though present in soil all the necessary minerals
No woman would apply in the iron deficiency on the idea to grate a nail and eat this

for follow-up a little story

Imagine, before you are 300 tablets. Ten of these contain nutrients more 30 are safe and 260 are mild to severely toxic.

Swallow all 300 tablets and take it all the disadvantages of the toxic pellets in buying, just to get any nutrients ten o'clock?

Before this choice you are drinking mineral water!

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Food: acid-base table

Everything we eat is metabolized in the body, that is altered, so that the body can work with the new, transformed materials.

It is important to know that certain foods at the end of this metabolic process, an acidic product and in others again a basic product remains.

We need both: basic and acidic, but in a very special relationship:

25 - 30% acidic foods
70 - 75% alkaline foods

If the body be delivered to many acids, he slagged and first developed health disorders and finally diseases.

acid foods
meat and meat products, sausage
all marine animals
cheese, cottage cheese, eggs
legumes (except soybeans)
coffee, alcohol
asparagus, Brussels sprouts, artichokes
sweets, chocolate
cereals, grain products (especially white flour and white flour products)
whole grain and whole grain products are not handled as strictly
hardened and refined fats and oils (margarine from the health food store!)
all normal cooking, baking and fats for frying food industry

all through industrial processing, preservation, sterilization or chemical additives provided food

canned soda drinks
fruit juice when they poured in, instead be sipping insalivated.

Basic Food
potatoes (not french fries fries!)
all the vegetables, and root vegetables, especially basic
is fruit when ripe is
lactic acid fermented vegetables

particularly basic foodstuffs
nuts (except peanuts)

Neutral Food

All natural butter or cold pressed oils and fats

Remember, acid taste must not be angry!

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acid-base balance: the key to health and well-being

an acidification of the body can lead to Malaise, fatigue, reduced performance and even lead to disease. It is now scientifically proven that in industrialized countries for more than 90% of people are hyperacidity.

is shocking that even little children suffer. This is simply not enough basic action that food be supplied. But also a serious environmental pollution, contaminated food and lead to many beverages to excess acidity. But athletes and people who actually need to work much more physically basenüberschüssige many foods and supplements.

order for our body function optimally he needs a balanced acid-base milieu. The activity of our muscles and nerves as well as all essential and disassembly processes in our body cells need it.

The root of many diseases is often in the diet. A deliberate acid-base diet can improve many health problems or diseases: rheumatism, osteoporosis, yeasts in the intestine, chronic skin disorders, migraine, arthritis and mental exhaustion.

Note: These recommendations do not promise healing. It is a supportive dietary measure which does not replace the visit to the doctor or therapist. Prescribed medications you may never settle without consulting your doctor or health professional. If you are sick you may use the advice given by consulting your doctor.

Note: The following table indicates possible causes. There are many more causes. clarify course, must always be a doctor or therapist, the real cause.

body regions and possible effects of acidification

general condition: Constant fatigue, reduced performance, extrem lange Erholungsphasen nach körperlicher Anstrengung, schwere Glieder, häufiges, starkes Herzklopfen, plötzliche Schwäche nach dem Verzehr saurer Speisen, niedrige Körpertemperatur, Kälteempfindichkeit, erhöhte Infektanfälligkeit aufgrund geschwächter Widerstandskraft

Gemütsverfassung: Antriebsschwäche, Lustlosigkeit, mangelnde Lebensfreude, trübe Gedanken, depressive Verstimmungen, Reizbarkeit, geringe Belastbarkeit, Nervosität, innere Unruhe, Überempfindlichkeit, Schreckhaftigkeit

Kopf: Sehr blasse Gesichtsfarbe, Kopfschmerzen, tränende, empfindliche Augen

mouth acid saliva, gum disease, inflamed sensitive gums, skin tears in the mouth, irritation of the tonsils and throat, leading to repeated inflammation of the mucous membrane

teeth sensitivity of the teeth to cold, hot and sour dishes, dental caries

stomach: overproduction of stomach acid, heartburn, stomach cramps and stomach pain, gastritis, gastric ulcer

intestine: intestinal cramps during the sudden release of acids, burning movement, tendency to intestinal infection and decolourisation des Stuhl infolge Leberschwäche

Nieren-Blase: Übersäuerter Urin, Reizungen und Brennen in Blase und Harnröhre, übermäßig große Harnmenge infolge Nierenschwäche, Nieren- und Blasensteine

Atemwege: Überempfindliche Reaktionen der Atemwege auf Kälte, häufige Erkältungen und Bronchitiden, Nebenhöhlenentzündungen, Angina, vergrößerte Mandeln, Polypen, Allergien, rauer Hals und Reizhusten

Haut: Übersäuerter Schweiß, trockene Haut, Rötungen an stark schwitzenden Hautstellen (Hautfalten, Gürtelregionen u. a. die zudem schwarz anlaufen) oder um Augen, Mund und Nase, rissige Haut zwischen den Fingern und am Nagelbett, Pilzerkrankungen, Nesselfieber, Juckreiz und Hautausschläge, Pickel, verschiedene Ekzeme

Nägel: Dünne weiche und gespaltene Nägel, mit Rillen und weißen Flecken

Muskeln: Krämpfe, Neigung zu Lumbago (Hexenschuß) und Torticollis (steifer Hals)

Knochen und Gelenke: Abbau von Mineralstoffen im Skelett: Osteoporose, Osteomalazie (Knochenerweichung), Rachitis, wiederholte Knochenbrüche, verzögerte Heilung nach Brüchen, Gelenkknacken, überdehnte Bänder, Wirbelblockierungen, Rheumatism, arthritis, sciatica, vertebral displacement, disk herniation (herniated disc), inflammation and sclerosis of the joint ligaments, migratory arthralgia

blood circulation: to lower blood pressure, poor blood circulation, tendency to anemia and bleeding

Endocrine Glands: Reduced production and secretion of the glands in general, overactive thyroid

reproductive organs: Genital infections (itching, redness)

nervous system: increased sensitivity to pain, persistent, migratory neuralgia, Schlaflosigkeit

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acids and bases - Is the balance in the body?

Wenn Sie sich wohl fühlen wollen, müssen sich Säuren und Basen in Ihrem Körper im gesunden Gleichgewicht befinden. Wenn das nicht der Fall ist, fühlen Sie sich müde und abgeschlagen.

Sie können unter einer niedergedrückten Stimmung leiden, Muskelschmerzen und eine spröde, schlecht durchblutete Haut haben. Dazu können ständige Erkrankungen wie Grippe und Erkältung und Appetitlosigkeit oder ständiger Heißhunger kommen.

Der pH-Wert unseres Blutes liegt bei etwa 7,4, d. h. leicht im basischen (alkalischen) Bereich. Durch Stoffwechselvorgänge fallen ständig saure Abbauprodukte an.

to obtain the normal value, the acids are neutralized by basic compounds. But if there are diseases such as metabolic disorders can not be held the balance.

Even more common is that the blood level is still within the normal range, but the body no longer counts against the acids. These acid metabolic intermediate and end products accumulate in the connective tissue.

These bearings caused by stress, poor diet and physical inactivity. Moderate physical activity is important, intense physical exertion, however, can increase the acid level.

Our food is an essential factor for Maintaining the balance of bases and acids in our body. This should be our food of 80% alkaline forming foods and are only 20% of acid-forming substances.

Our eating habits and there are often insufficient alkaline mineral supply. This of course also collect more acids in our bodies. There are two reasons: First,

be put into the body have fewer basic minerals. Acid or acid-giving foods such as meat, sausages, cheese, yoghurt and sweets are base-giving foods such as fruits, vegetables, cabbage, potatoes and herbal teas vorgezogen.

Hinzu kommt, dass der Gehalt an basischen Mineralstoffen im Gemüse aufgrund der entmineralisierten Ackerböden geringer ist als früher.

Zweitens hat unser Körper aufgrund unserer heutigen Lebensumstände einen erhöhten Bedarf an basischen Mineralstoffen zur Säurepufferung.

Durch den Genuß von Kaffee, Alkohol, Nikotin aber auch durch Stress werden unserem Körper permanent Mineralien entzogen. Hinzu kommt, dass unser Körper nur begrenzt Säuren ausscheiden kann und daher vermehrt Mineralien zur Neutralisierung der verbleibenden Säuren benötigt.

Mineralstoffe sind lebensnotwendig. Da unser Körper sie nicht selbst bilden kann, müssen we carry it with food.