Tuesday, July 15, 2008

How Can I Rip A Data Disc

back pain - a tiresome subject

Many people suffer from back pain and do not know what they can do about it. Painkillers are often the only opportunity they see again live pain-free person is. But painkillers are not the solution, because pain is always a warning sign of our body. Our body wants to make us aware that something is wrong.

pain is an important clue. Think about it when they call their hand on a hot plate set and feel no pain would be ...? They are doing exactly the right thing! Take away your hand and not let your hand on it and are taking it a painkiller! You immediately recognize the cause and act accordingly.

Now it is for back pain is not quite as easy as the hot stove. Logically, you should first be verified by the doctor whether there is something that requires medical treatment.

But often, the doctor finds nothing or you get the diagnosis: you can not do anything, that's wear that is age, so you must live!

But in my experience have to live in very rare cases really so! I have seen very often that a so-called wear and tear has within one hour massage with the bio-energetic health (see www.praxis-schoenfeld-berlin.de/pageID_5349584.html ) dissolved into thin air.

The reason is simply that the waste products have sold in the energy channels and block the path quasi energy. Thus, the energy does not flow freely and accumulates in certain places, which then manifested as pain . Make Since traditional medicine is not using energy, they can not logically see the cause in the energetic system.

How does this mean that block the energy channels?

Imagine your body as a furnace before. We live, eat and drink. Our body (kiln) processing our food (wood) (to heat the home) to energy (heat) to keep us alive. The cells of our bodies are constantly taking in nutrients from our food and excrete waste products. But how in the kiln has to be eliminated from time to time, the ash (the waste products). This slag is toxic (acid) and schadet unserm Körper. Sie setzt sich zunächst in unseren Energiebahnen und dann in den Geweben ab.Wenn nun zuviel Schlacke in den Energiebahnen (Meridianen) den Fluss der Energie beeinträchtigt, kommt es zum Energiestau und das macht sich in Schmerzen bemerkbar. Ein weiteres Merkmal von zuviel Schlacke ist Wassereinlagerung. Der Körper versucht sich nur zu helfen, indem er die Säuren verdünnt (= Wassereinlagerung).Folge von zu vielen Schlackenstoffen ist ein schrittweises Vergiften unseres Körpers. Daraus resultiert erst einmal eine allgemeine Schlappheit und es können sich viele Krankheiten entwickeln.

Lesen Sie dazu die näheren Hintergründe im Kapitel Säure-Basen-Gleichgewicht.

Another reason for back pain can also be the connection between body and soul. Back, shoulder and neck pain often have to do with stress, anxiety and repressed anger.

Again, can help the bioenergetic health massage. Through a very simple technique I resolve the tension with my hands and feel a great relief: the pain goes.

as For legal reasons, I suggest that my treatments are not a substitute for medical care. I promise no cure. I advise never the visit to the doctor, medical practitioner or physiotherapist, prescribe any medication and do not even rate of of taking medically prescribed drugs from.


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