When body and soul are in harmony, we feel comfortable and full of energy. This goal with the following treatments is to achieve without more ado. They have been proven in actual use. stimulate
Purification and metabolism
The term metabolism, all conversion processes of substances meant in the body, including the degradation and decay. If the metabolic activity disrupted by chronic stress, some run slower reactions. This is related to that organs and cells need to always pay detoxification and excretory functions, by which their performance suffers.
to stimulate the metabolism and relieve means first of all: Dredge detoxify and purify so. The popular term "slag" Conversion and degradation products of metabolism are meant that the body is under excess strain of the organism, for example by eating toxins, fat, muscle and vascular tissue ** dumped.
Purification you can use a diet or a medical detox program.
Health for purification and cleansing with Schuessler salts
No 2 Calcium Phosphoricum D 6 - helps regenerate
No. 6 Potassium sulphate and sodium sulphate
No. 10 D 6 - contribute to both a detoxification and excretion of waste products and promote the breakdown of fats
No. 18 Calcium sulfuratum D 6 - promotes the excretion of waste products
sodium bicarbonate No. 23 D 6 - normalizes the metabolism
Ointment No 6 Salium sulphate - supportive
cure: take from two to four tablets each salt and solve them in a pint of hot water. Fill the cooled solution in a bottle. Throughout the day, take a sip and always keep him from swallowing a while in the mouth. Shake the bottle before each drink. In the evening get ready for a liver wound (see liver packs) of ointment with No. 6.
duration of treatments: three to six weeks
liver packs
This wrap promotes circulation of the liver and has a beneficial effect on the body and sleep. The best way to contact him at night before bed. Apply the ointment No 6 Potassium sulphate thin on the liver.
Soak a kitchen towel with hot water, fold it twice and put it under his right rib to just above the middle. Wrapping the pad with a dry cloth and place a hot water bottle over it. Leave the wrap in place as long as it is pleasantly warm.
Alkaline baths with my Base ® Salt
This Bath and Body Care Salt attracts acid and other pollutants from your skin and mucous membranes of your out of your body with, for example, basic and full-foot baths, wraps, basic socks and rinses. It provides eine effiziente Anregung der Ausscheidungsfunktionen und auch für eine angenehme Selbstfettung Ihrer Haut.
Optimal bei Fastenkuren, denn es verhindert die fast obligatorischen Kopfschmerzen, die von den gelösten Schlackestoffen erzeugt werden.
Baden Sie mindestens 45 min. bei ca. 37 Grad und bürsten Sie regelmäßig Ihren Körper ab. Hinterher nur trockentupfen.
Basische Wickel mit Meine Base® Salz
Zur gezielten Anwendung sind basische Wickel besonders gut geeignet. Dazu weicht man die Wickel (Handtuch, Binde, Strümpfe, T-shirt, Leggins usw.) in 1,5 ltr. warmes Wasser mit einem gehäuften Teelöffel Meine Base Salt and wring the winding good. Then take as long as possible.
Alkaline Body Scrub
With My Base ® salt the skin and mechanically freed of dead skin particles, and immediately neutralized alkaline.
7 x 7 Herbal Tea ®
is organically grown and consists of 49 herbs that flush your skin, mucous membranes, tissues, muscles, joints and organs optimal. Important additional drink a lot of still water.
Basica ®
bring your acid-alkaline balance back into balance and provides strength, energy and well-being
also important: drink plenty of still water
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