an acidification of the body can lead to Malaise, fatigue, reduced performance and even lead to disease. It is now scientifically proven that in industrialized countries for more than 90% of people are hyperacidity.
is shocking that even little children suffer. This is simply not enough basic action that food be supplied. But also a serious environmental pollution, contaminated food and lead to many beverages to excess acidity. But athletes and people who actually need to work much more physically basenüberschüssige many foods and supplements.
order for our body function optimally he needs a balanced acid-base milieu. The activity of our muscles and nerves as well as all essential and disassembly processes in our body cells need it.
The root of many diseases is often in the diet. A deliberate acid-base diet can improve many health problems or diseases: rheumatism, osteoporosis, yeasts in the intestine, chronic skin disorders, migraine, arthritis and mental exhaustion.
Note: These recommendations do not promise healing. It is a supportive dietary measure which does not replace the visit to the doctor or therapist. Prescribed medications you may never settle without consulting your doctor or health professional. If you are sick you may use the advice given by consulting your doctor.
Note: The following table indicates possible causes. There are many more causes. clarify course, must always be a doctor or therapist, the real cause.
body regions and possible effects of acidification
general condition: Constant fatigue, reduced performance, extrem lange Erholungsphasen nach körperlicher Anstrengung, schwere Glieder, häufiges, starkes Herzklopfen, plötzliche Schwäche nach dem Verzehr saurer Speisen, niedrige Körpertemperatur, Kälteempfindichkeit, erhöhte Infektanfälligkeit aufgrund geschwächter Widerstandskraft
Gemütsverfassung: Antriebsschwäche, Lustlosigkeit, mangelnde Lebensfreude, trübe Gedanken, depressive Verstimmungen, Reizbarkeit, geringe Belastbarkeit, Nervosität, innere Unruhe, Überempfindlichkeit, Schreckhaftigkeit
Kopf: Sehr blasse Gesichtsfarbe, Kopfschmerzen, tränende, empfindliche Augen
mouth acid saliva, gum disease, inflamed sensitive gums, skin tears in the mouth, irritation of the tonsils and throat, leading to repeated inflammation of the mucous membrane
teeth sensitivity of the teeth to cold, hot and sour dishes, dental caries
stomach: overproduction of stomach acid, heartburn, stomach cramps and stomach pain, gastritis, gastric ulcer
intestine: intestinal cramps during the sudden release of acids, burning movement, tendency to intestinal infection and decolourisation des Stuhl infolge Leberschwäche
Nieren-Blase: Übersäuerter Urin, Reizungen und Brennen in Blase und Harnröhre, übermäßig große Harnmenge infolge Nierenschwäche, Nieren- und Blasensteine
Atemwege: Überempfindliche Reaktionen der Atemwege auf Kälte, häufige Erkältungen und Bronchitiden, Nebenhöhlenentzündungen, Angina, vergrößerte Mandeln, Polypen, Allergien, rauer Hals und Reizhusten
Haut: Übersäuerter Schweiß, trockene Haut, Rötungen an stark schwitzenden Hautstellen (Hautfalten, Gürtelregionen u. a. die zudem schwarz anlaufen) oder um Augen, Mund und Nase, rissige Haut zwischen den Fingern und am Nagelbett, Pilzerkrankungen, Nesselfieber, Juckreiz und Hautausschläge, Pickel, verschiedene Ekzeme
Nägel: Dünne weiche und gespaltene Nägel, mit Rillen und weißen Flecken
Muskeln: Krämpfe, Neigung zu Lumbago (Hexenschuß) und Torticollis (steifer Hals)
Knochen und Gelenke: Abbau von Mineralstoffen im Skelett: Osteoporose, Osteomalazie (Knochenerweichung), Rachitis, wiederholte Knochenbrüche, verzögerte Heilung nach Brüchen, Gelenkknacken, überdehnte Bänder, Wirbelblockierungen, Rheumatism, arthritis, sciatica, vertebral displacement, disk herniation (herniated disc), inflammation and sclerosis of the joint ligaments, migratory arthralgia
blood circulation: to lower blood pressure, poor blood circulation, tendency to anemia and bleeding
Endocrine Glands: Reduced production and secretion of the glands in general, overactive thyroid
reproductive organs: Genital infections (itching, redness)
nervous system: increased sensitivity to pain, persistent, migratory neuralgia, Schlaflosigkeit
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