Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Dog Teeth Cleaning In San Antonio Texas

Water: Important tasks in the body

One of the main tasks of the water is the binding of pollutants and the removal of these pollutants on the need to cleanse the body from the inside. No one would wash linen

in a dirty river. This is not because the water is saturated and does not bind any more, and carry away dirt.

is similar with the consumption of saturated liquids. These can hardly prevent pollutants and sediments, and our bodies like this . Exempt

What we need are unsaturated drink liquids such as clear, pure water.

Next, the water supply in our body as the main component of the blood and transports nutrients to every cell in the body defense.

· Water flushes the toxins in the body to the liver and kidneys
· Water is involved in the regulation of energy and electrolyte balance with
· water makes all parts of the body communicate with each other
· Water regulates the acid-base balance
· Water is a solvent in many water-soluble substances
· water affects the metabolism mit
· Wasser regelt die Temperatur
· Wasser wirkt als Puffersystem

Jeder Mensch scheidet täglich ca. 5 % Flüssigkeit aus. Dies geschieht nicht wie oft angenommen nur über den Verdauungsweg, sondern vielmehr über unsere größten Ausscheidungsorgane Haut und Lunge. Wir scheiden alle 20 Tage unsere gesamte Flüssigkeit einmal aus.

Um das Gleichgewicht im Körper einzuhalten, müssen wir täglich zwei bis drei Liter reiner Flüssigkeit trinken.

Wasser und Vitalität

Es besteht ein direkter Zusammenhang zwischen der Qualität des Wassergehaltes in einem Organismus und dessen Vitalität. Als Baby We are about 90% of liquid, much as adults and even the earth's surface to about 70%. In older people, is the liquid content to below 70%.

We humans consist of 13 billion cells. Ca. 60% of our water is in the cells, about 30% are in the connective tissue around the cell and about 10% in the blood vessels. In the cells, all information is stored that affect us humans.

Our brain consists of more than 80%, 70% of the muscles, our blood to 80% and even our bones to 25% water. In the basic biochemistry is said that the most important component in the body is water. The

Quality and therefore the durability and longevity of your cells and your organs will depend on how well they are provided.

The osmotic pressure

A saturated liquid is drawn from a less saturated liquid until the pressure compensating fluid. This osmotic pressure gradient ensures the feeding of our cells by liquid loaded with nutrients passes through the cell membrane into the cell.

Enrich is not cell-permeable substances in the intercellular fluid, it is by the high concentration of dissolved substances that, surrounding the cell fluid, more dense, and the osmotic pressure drops to the cell. As a result, less liquid and therefore less nutrients are transported into the cell. The

get more non-recyclable materials in the interstitial tissue, the less gets the cell. The cell struggles with more pressure (high pressure = high blood pressure problems) or is under as a result of contaminated tissue fluid in deficiency states. Only pure, not yet saturated water is able to release pollutants to be transported.

Thus, closing the loop in the body that we can only keep going with pure water.

minerals and drinking water

tap water is sufficient cover as a mineral source is not sufficient to the daily needs for minerals. A glass of milk, for example, contains more calcium and magnesium as 20 liters of drinking water.

But even if you water with a high mineral content, such as drinking from a healing source, leading to the body of mineral salts, it can not absorb as easily as the chelates of organic foods.

But the advertising we tried with a gigantic effort to make clear that a healthy water needs many minerals.

Nature has made us men originally surface water for drinking available. River water, rainwater and glacier water, so low in minerals or even mineral-free water.

The deeper the wells are drilled, the more minerals the water dissolves its way down and is increasingly enriched with minerals.

Did you know that the term mineral water only in the postwar years of the last century has been characterized?

Another question is often asked

type minerals in drinking water not only the taste at all? Tastes water without minerals do not fade? Many people believe that the mineral content produces the good taste of the water. Exactly the opposite is the case. Have a glass of mineral water to stand overnight and then try it again!

Too many minerals have a negative impact on the taste and give the water an unpleasant metallic and sometimes salty taste. Take the water to remove the ability thirst.

water receives its good taste and thirst-quenching properties by the amount of dissolved oxygen and by the absence of large amounts of mineral salts.

why we see a mountain spring, the fresh water from melting snow caused a low mineral content, and which was mixed by their brisk walk over rocks with oxygen as the epitome of freshness.

What are minerals? According

Nachschlagewerk sind Mineralien feste, chemische Verbindungen der Erdkruste die aus anorganischen, natürlichen Vorgängen entstanden sind.

Mineralstoffe und Spurenelemente sind lebenswichtig

Sie sind

· Bausteine für Knochen, Zähne, Nägel und Haare
· geben Knochen und Zähnen ihre strukturelle Stärke
· sind Bestandteil der Körperflüssigkeit z. B. Eisen im Blut
· regulieren den Wasserhaushalt und Säuregehalt im Körper
· steuern die Nerven und die Funktion der Zellmembranen
· kontrollieren den Startmechanismus für Enzymsysteme

Mineralien sind Regulatoren all life processes, from the oxygen on fluid and hormone balance, to the utilization of fat, carbohydrates and Einweiß.

minerals must be included in the organic compound

We need organically bound minerals. This can benefit the human organism. The plant is capable of the stored in the earth's inorganic minerals bound to take over the roots to attach to protein (= chelation) and thus are valuable for people to convert.

Thus, the plant produces the gate, enter through the inorganic minerals of non-living matter as organic minerals in the living nature.

are dissolved in mineral salts, namely inorganic-bound minerals. This stress on the organism in part because they are only deposited. Our body absorbs minerals in this form only if he is not able to cover its needs in organic form.

No one would dream of eating a certain amount of earth to thereby meet its mineral needs, though present in soil all the necessary minerals
No woman would apply in the iron deficiency on the idea to grate a nail and eat this

for follow-up a little story

Imagine, before you are 300 tablets. Ten of these contain nutrients more 30 are safe and 260 are mild to severely toxic.

Swallow all 300 tablets and take it all the disadvantages of the toxic pellets in buying, just to get any nutrients ten o'clock?

Before this choice you are drinking mineral water!


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