So we feel comfortable and get our health and our performance remains full of our body needs to work properly. For this he needs including a balanced acid-base balance. can only base the optimal ratio of acids our metabolic processes occur without interference.
Short-term fluctuations can balance our body itself by an endogenous buffer system. It becomes difficult to buy for years but when an acid surplus. Poor diet and lifestyle favor such excess acid and at some point your body is no longer in a position to help themselves. Our body then creates acid memory, he can withdraw himself no longer, because the capacity is limited. Consequences are health disorders and finally diseases.
Man four different stages of acidification
different first Ideal Condition: In this state, in which the blood in acid-base balance in the tissues and no lesions are identifiable, are actually only newborns a completely unloaded pregnancy behind them.
second Subtle acidity: For most people this long since the "normal state". The buffer bases in the blood, which have the task with increased acidity, the acid molecules are to reduce significantly reduced.
third Acute acidosis: Excretion worries (kidney, intestine, lung, skin) to work with all my strength to carry infections, diarrhea, Fieber, Erbrechen die Säuren auszuscheiden. Akute Infektionen sind ein deutliches Zeichen für eine Übersäuerung.
4. Chronische Übersäuerung: Wenn der Körper alle Reserven aufgebraucht hat und er nicht mehr mit der Säureflut fertig wird, erscheinen „wie aus heiterem Himmel“ Abbaukrankheiten wie z. B. Rheuma, Gicht, Schuppenflechte u. v. m. Dann genügt oft ein kleiner Anlaß, der die Krankheit ausbrechen lässt.
Bis auf ganz wenige, gesunde Menschen sind wir alle durch unsere Lebensumstände leider viel zu sauer.
Selbsttest mit Urin-Test-Stäbchen
Mit den Urine test strips (available in any pharmacy) you can get an overview of the acid-alkaline ratio in your body. These six measurements per day are required. Eat a normal for this test and note always what you ate and what else you have noticed yet. To get an overview, a measurement time of at least three days a week is better is required.
the complete self-test tables for recording, you can request free of charge here:
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